Dec 08, 2019
Change the WiFi Network Name To change the WiFi network name: 1. Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that is connected to your extender network. 2. Log in to your extender: • If you did not enable the One WiFi Name feature, enter in the address field of the browser. How to change your WiFi name (SSID) and password on your Enter your new WiFi name in the Network Name (SSID) field(s) and click Save Settings. Please read Step 6 before clicking "Continue". Depending on how many wireless radios your router has, you may have more than one Network Name (SSID) section. You will need to change the SSID each section. We suggest adding a 24, 58, or 58-2 to the respective name. Linksys Official Support - Changing the Extended Wireless NOTE: If this option is left on Auto, the range extender will follow the settings of the main router or access point. Step 8: If you also want to change the Extended Wireless Settings of your 5 GHz network, same rule applies. Scroll down to the 5 GHz Extended Wireless Settings section then repeat Steps 4-6. NOTE: Make sure that your router is broadcasting both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. How to Change the Router Password on Your Netgear N600
Nov 23, 2019
Dec 14, 2016
Mar 18, 2020
Jun 17, 2020 How do I change the name on my Nighthawk router? - NETGEAR Nov 28, 2016 Changing the admin username - NETGEAR Communities